Monday, January 11, 2010

Monday Musings...

*Six months ago today I married my best friend. Time surely does go by quickly! It has been FUN & educational so far *grin* Bottom line, we still like each other. I can't wait to get where he is. I still smile when he comes across my phone. It's so good. Therefore, the first six months will be deemed a raving success!

*When you have gall bladder issues & you are waiting to have surgery NEVER EVER eat summer sausage. Just don't do it. Five hours later my stomach & side still feel gross.

*They predicted 1-3 inches of new snow today & it still hasn't happened. Yeehaw!

*This weekend was great - an excellent balance of chores & relaxation. Dinner with Beth & family on Friday night, chores, basketball game for Caleb, cheering for Maddie, & dinner with my parents on Saturday, church & dinner with Mike's parents on Sunday. Busy but relaxing, too. Lots of good sleep & some exercise worked in there, too (even if it is still FREEZING cold outside).

*Reading a book about Abigail Adams life. What a remarkable lady! She was very well educated for her time. She had a true partnership with her husband. She crusaded bravely for freedoms for women (especially for their education) & held firm to the belief that husbands & wives were equal but designed for different functions within marriage. She bravely faced the loss of two children (including a pregnancy that ended with possible toxemia & a stillborn daughter) as well as a small pox epidemic. She was a staunch patriot & her passion for an independent United States of America founded on principles of integrity & personal freedom are a conviction to me. All of this happened before her 40th birthday & she was separated from her husband for years at a time while he worked tirelessly to help establish a new country. I have decided that I am a wimp. I am not much of a patriot. I am also not as outspoken as maybe I should be about things that truly matter. Lots of things to ponder...

*I just finished reading II Chronicles. Wow - the Lord has really opened my eyes to some wonderful lessons out of His word recently. The freshest in my mind at this moment is how just because some of the kings began well - humbled themselves before the Lord, sought His face, obeyed Him - doesn't mean that they would end well. Pride is a terrible thing. Also, just because a father was a godly man does not mean his children will be; conversely, just because the father was an evil man does not mean that his children will be. Not necessarily new lessons, but excellent reminders to me that I need to make those regular heart checks.

How was your weekend & what's on your mind today?


Theo-Ann said...

great thoughts and encouragement, MaryAnn. Thanks so much for sharing.:) So what's on my mind lately?...This week my husband officially takes over as head pastor of the church--excitement and a bit of nervousness for the both of us. We're learning that we must depend on God daily and not worry about the future. Have a great week!

Rebecca said...

Read a book? I am jealous! Since becoming a mother, I can hardly get through the first chapter before falling asleep! LOL!
Sounds like a good one! Yes, we are wimps (comparatively). So glad you guys have had a good first 6 months! May God bless you with many years of happiness!

Shyla said...

Of course I remember you! I know the feeling though! :) You look great! Your wedding pics are so nice! My mom lives in canada and has been waiting for 5 months for gall bladder surgery. needless to say, she has been in a lot of pain, for a long time. Hope you are well! Congratulations on getting married!@

Mary Ann said...

Shyla - oh my goodness, your poor momma! I will pray that she is able to have her surgery soon.
Thanks for the congrats - marriage has been great; God knew just who I needed!