Friday, February 13, 2009

Training Update

In her comment a few posts back, Alicia asked if I was still training for the Indy Mini. Yep, I'm still slogging away. I did not realize how lazy I had become. The problem is that there is just not time to fit a workout in when we are going to be doing a lot of work on the house or if I am working an extra shift. I just got really lazy about it. Then training started. I have managed to stay new-injury-free (for the most part). This last Saturday we did five miles & I have to report that I have had sore shins all week. Hello, shin splints if I'm not careful. I'm following basically the same training plan as last year. Through the week I do all of my miles on the elliptical with a treadmill or bike warm-up & cool down. On Saturday when we are supposed to put in the long miles, I walk. Super duper fast (about a 14 minute mile, which for me is super duper fast). At the beginning of March I will start running on the treadmill through the week. Hopefully this progression will keep me from really aggravating the bone spur on my left heel & keep my right ankle from getting too tendinitis-y. It's never been officially diagnosed with tendinitis, but it sure acts like that is what's wrong with it. I hope to work on putting in some cross-training, too. I would like to be toned up for the wedding (hello, Madonna arms!) but I don't want to sacrifice too much on the cardio or I won't do as well as I want to on the race. I'm trying not to give myself too much mental pressure. I really would like to beat my time from last year, but truthfully NO ONE CARES but me. No one else will even know unless I post about it. And I probably will ;-)
So yes, the training continues. In fact, I've got a hot date with the gym this afternoon!

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