Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Blessings & Difficulties

I have been quite the absent blogger lately. Days seem to slide by and I'm having a bit of trouble keeping up. Part of it has been sickness, part of it has been the busy schedule, and part of it has been an increase in our mileage (training for the Mini). But through it all the Lord has been so good to sustain me and He has been faithful to answer many prayers for my family.
The sickness part of recent difficulties involves my sister. She began to feel icky about two weeks ago. Her daughter was just getting over a little stomach virus so when Beth developed a low grade fever with fatigue she figured she was next. However, the next few days had the whole family on a roller coaster of anxiety and confusion. Her symptoms were very mysterious. She kept the low grade fever and developed pain, burning, and cramping in her legs. By the time she had been sick for about 24 hours she was having the same tingly pain in her arms and hands along with overall weakness. She had gotten to the point where the pain was nearly unbearable and she could hardly walk. Her husband and I took her to the emergency room and spent a night with her there but all the doctor could say was that she needed to see a neurologist. Frustration ensued...in a major way. Long story short, never get sick on the weekend. By Monday we were able to get her in to see our family doctor and he put all of our minds to rest by furnishing us with a diagnosis. It would seem that she has contracted a viral peripheral neuropathy which is basically a virus in the nerve fibers. Talk about pain. She has had a terrible time but at least she now has meds. They gave her a prescription for a drug that is specifically for pain in the nerves and told her it could take up to one month for her body to beat this little monster. Today was Day 13 and she is still running a low grade fever. But this situation has been a blessing in many ways because we have seen the Lord answer specific prayers for strength, wisdom, and openings for doctor's appointments. We have all come together as a family to care for their kids and get all the logistics of rides to school worked out. Beth has identified specific ways the Lord has comforted and blessed her heart and she is already looking for ways to minister to others who have been through painful illness.
Personally, I have discovered a theme in many of the circumstances that have been dancing through my life lately...trust the Lord. So simple, huh? But I have been convicted over and over recently about my lack of trust. So it's back to Proverbs 3:5, "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding." I don't know about you, but my own understanding is so easy to lean on! We sang 'Trusting Jesus' in the worship service Sunday morning and the words were such a blessing and conviction to my heart that I've decided to commit them to memory as well as include them here with this post.
Trusting Jesus
Simply trusting every day,
Trusting through a stormy way;
Even when my faith is small,
Trusting Jesus, that is all.
Brightly doth His Spirit shine
Into this poor heart of mine;
While He leads I cannot fall;
Trusting Jesus, that is all.
Singing if my way is clear;
Praying if the path be drear;
If in danger, for Him call;
Trusting Jesus, that is all.
Trusting Him while life shall last,
Trusting Him till earth be past;
Till within the jasper wall;
Trusting Jesus, that is all.
Trusting as the moments fly,
Trusting as the days go by;
Trusting Him whate'er befall,
Trusting Jesus, that is all.
I have come to realize that the hardest part of Beth's sickness was the days when we were unable to determine what the problem was. I think we were all a little afraid we would lose her to some dread, rare thing that no doctor would have thought possible. But the greatest comfort to me and one that I thank the Lord for often in prayer, is that He is our Creator God and He knows our bodies. He made them! They are no mystery to Him and He is well aware of how they work and how they dysfunction. That has been such a comfort to me & by His grace I'm going to learn how to trust Him better!


Adele said...

It sounds like this has been a good growing and bonding experience for your whole family. I hope Beth is feeling better soon. It's not easy to be down when you have children and a house to look after! I know that from bed rest!

Erin said...

I'm so glad that Beth is doing better. It's neat to hear how you have already seen growth because of this trial. Isn't it neat that God wants to bring us closer and closer and doesn't give up on us?

Unknown said...

Wow, what an ordeal! Glad to hear Beth is on the mend and that God is teaching you all to trust Him more through this trial.